There are many references to Halloween in the Old World. I immediately think
of creatures mainly associated with Sylvania, such as vampires, skeletons,
zombies and banshees, known in Bretonnia as Wailing Hags.
Therefore, the idea of combining Halloween with WFB and fighting a battle
with a special scenario, which I symbolically called Trick or Treat, was born in
my head. Unfortunately, due to the lack of an opponent who has an army of
Vampire Counts or at least Tomb Kings, I decided to ask for help my painting
studio buddy who has the Hordes of Chaos under his command. Especially for
this occasion, his army was commanded by a demon with the support as
terrifying as the undead themselves.
Trick-or-Treat scenario rules
The fog slowly receded from the plains, revealing the landscape of the upcoming
battle. Here and there you could have seen the leaves dancing in the wind, and
from the distance, you might have heard the howling of wolves. Or maybe, they
were not wolves? Human imagination can play tricks. Especially on a day like
this, the Geheimnisnacht Eve (Night of Mystery) where the boundaries
between living and dead are thin.
Overwhelmed by gloomy thoughts, Bretonnians barely saw approaching
enemies in the distance, dressed in night-black coats and furs. It wasn't until
Morrslieb's green glow spilled across the earth that it was discovered what the
followers of the Lady feared the most - daemons. Beings from another
dimension, faithful servants of the Dark Gods, whose laughter intertwined with
the grim wailing of the wind. Some Peasants Bowmen cursed under their
breath, while others began to look nervously at sideways. The only thing that
kept them from escaping was the presence of Grail Knights. The sacred
guardians and executors of the Lady of the Lake’s will were like an oasis of
peace and confidence in the gathering darkness, emanating with majesty and
unwavering faith in the just victory of good over evil ...
Bretonnians scouts were the first to see ghosts swirling down the battlefield.
These restless souls who could not find peace in the afterlife carried objects
that tempted people with a glow brighter than the purest gold. The sudden desire to acquire these amazing artifacts filled the hearts of Bretonnian knights.
It turned out that not only their hearts. Followers of the Dark Gods did not
waste time and immediately spurred their horses towards the ghosts. From
that moment victory did not count. One thing that only matters was who claims
more of these sinister artifacts.
Format: 1200 pts.
Armies: Bretonnia vs Hordes of Chaos
Scenario details
There are 3 independent characters in this scenario: Mr. Jack, Mr. Spooky and
Mr. Creepy Smile, who start the game in the centre of the table. When both
players end their turns, each Halloween newcomer makes a 2D6 move in a
random direction. After that, they scatter sweets on the battlefield:
• Mr Creepy Smile: 1 chocolate skeleton
• Mr. Spooky: 1 chocolate eye of Tzeentch (D6 + current turn => if 6 was rolled a
big eye of Tzeentch appears)
• Mr Jack: D3 chocolate pumpkins
Sweets are thrown at D20" in a random direction.
Any treat that would be placed off the table, bounced back from the table’s
edge on the battlefield, and is put in a distance equal to the remaining number of
To gain the sweetmeats, a unit must end the movement on it. For the troops
killed in battle, the winning troops automatically obtain hostile artifacts.
Independent characters are taken over at the end of the battle by the unit,
which is closest to each of them.
Victory Conditions:
The player only receives points for acquired sweets! Each of them has its own
specific value:
• small eyes of Tzeentch and pumpkins of the Bretonnian villager: 50 pts.
• Tzeentch's big eye: 100 pts.
• chocolate figurines of Mr. Jack, Spooky and Creepy Smile: 200 pts. (each)
Killed units, banners or captured quarters are not counted at all when
evaluating victory points. Other rules do not change. Player units normally
move, fire, cast spells, and fight as described in the main WFB 6th edition rules
manual. Additionally, we used our studio home rules.
This game was supposed to be funny and different from the standard ones.
And that’s what it was! Nobody said that warriors from the far North and
daemons do not like sweets, and Bretonnian horses only eat carrots. The
scenario was constructed to get as many chocolate treats as possible. The
beginning did not promise to be good for Bretonnians. In the second opponent
turn, the Grail Knights unit with the Battle Standard Bearer was attacked by
Exalted Daemon and a Chaos Knights unit.
The first phase of the fight brought
victory to Grail Knights, although one of them sacrificed his life in a challenge
with the terrifying general of Chaos forces. This, in turn, gave strength to the
servants of the Dark Gods, who killed 2 Champions of the Lady in the second
phase of the fight! The Bretonnian defeat was hanging by a thread if not for the
heavens. Pegasus Knights swooped from the skies and charged the daemon
general on his right flank, which raised the falling morale and ultimately
contributed to the Bretonnian victory in this fight. The Gods of Chaos,
dissatisfied with the loss of their messenger, decided to punish him and send
him back to the Realm of Chaos. Terrified of losing their demonic master, the
unit of Chaos Knights chose to flee.
During this fight, my opponent did not idle and took some sweets from Mr. Jack
and Mr. Spooky. A small flock of Furies using their mobility and long-range
grabbed a total of 3 chocolate pumpkins, one big and one small eye of
Tzeentch, thus collecting 300 victory points.
In addition, Bloodletters of Khorne captured 2 pumpkins previously dropped by
Mr. Spooky. At that time Bretonnian forces had only one delicacy in their
possession. Meanwhile, on the left flank, Peasant Bowmen make an attempt to
get two chocolate artifacts left on the battlefield by Mr. Creepy Smile.
Bretonnia was slowly catching up. Grail Knights rammed the Bloodletters unit
under the hooves of their mounts, taking 2 pumpkins, worth 100 victory points
in total. Pegasus Knights, who were ordered to charge Furies and take over all
their sweets, was supposed to give me the final victory. Unfortunately, they
disappointed me and did not carry out my command. Their blood chilled from
the screams of dark creatures, and their hearts were filled with fear. Unable to
attack, they wandered around, looking at the creatures receding with the prey.
Eventually, it turned out that Bretonnia scored 1050 points, leaving far behind
the Hordes of Chaos (350 points) during the clash on the Night of Mystery.