In the accursed realm of Mousillon, a once-proud bastion of Bretonnia, a sinister transformation unfolded. Guided by a malevolent Necromancer Wanda, the Mousillon zombies, reanimated remnants of fallen Bretonnian warriors and peasants, emerged from their graves.
Before the end of the year, I managed to complete three units of zombies. I forgot how much time and effort painting infantry takes, even if they're Zombies. There are plenty of options available in the hobby market when it comes to these models. In my case, I received a set from FireForge Games as a birthday gift some time ago. They sat on the shelf for a good two years, and finally, the time came to add more undead to my Vampire Counts army. I really like these designs. Their diversity allows for experimentation with different hands, heads, or torsos. You can create a wide variety of combinations.
The spotlight, however, falls on the models themselves. Crafted by FireForge Games, these detailed miniatures capture the eerie essence of the undead hordes.
Personally, I'm fond of the zombie with a crow and the one with a lantern. In addition, I added zombie dogs from Dar Art Studios.
The spotlight, however, falls on the models themselves. Crafted by FireForge Games, these detailed miniatures capture the eerie essence of the undead hordes.
Taking inspiration from the infamous Headless Horseman, a Bretonnian horse model from the 5th edition served as the base for a filler. Elements from FireForge Games' kit were seamlessly integrated, with the rider's body from the Foot Sergeants set and a sinister head from the Living Dead Warriors set. The result? A bespoke, spectral rider leading Mousillon's zombies into battle.