3D Print

Some time ago I decided to increase my Bretonnian collection with brave and battle-hardened peasants (48 in number). Unfortunately, GW models are hard to find or their price is too high (at least for me). I chose to use alternative models from FireForge, which represent medieval soldiers from the 12th/13th century. Unfortunately they don't have cool halberds and shields - I had to do something about that, so I decided to make 3D models for the first time in my life and have them printed.

Warhammer - Men at Arms - Bretonnia - 6th edition - Miniature - Painting - Oldhammer - Middlehammer

I sculpted the models in Blender 3D 2.93.4 and can't wait for the official version 3.0

Below are the effects of my work, I am currently cleaning the figures and getting down to gluing them together. Later on I will surely present my infantry ready to fight in the name of the Lady of the Lake.

Warhammer - Men at Arms - Bretonnia - 6th edition - Miniature - Painting - Oldhammer - Middlehammer

Warhammer - Men at Arms - Bretonnia - 6th edition - Miniature - Painting - Oldhammer - Middlehammer

Warhammer - Men at Arms - Bretonnia - 6th edition - Miniature - Painting - Oldhammer - Middlehammer

Warhammer - Men at Arms - Bretonnia - 6th edition - Miniature - Painting - Oldhammer - Middlehammer

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